Jumat, 21 Juli 2023

Work as a National Team

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 20.35 | No comments

 Hi Bro yo yo 

how are you now ?

thanks to Allah my adventure is keep doing well, i be the head coach of Indonesia Womens Team

so far i do make history , going to Asian Cup and Semifinal AFF u19

i be work since few year ago, i be the head coach after i do presentation and selection as a national coach

oh ya my dad past away after first day i do coaching in first camp

19 March 2021 

but thank papa you always in my heart

i am so sorry for my fault and mistake 

before i go to camp , i visiting my dad 

i am finish with safin

safin is shit as hole

he is big lie to make

build business then 2019 Oct  i left june 2023

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