Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Study at Unas and work at STB Tiara Bangsa

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 17.56 | No comments
Study at Unas

Big Time to change my mind set, more opportunity know about Football, organization and obsession
I was take subject Mechanical Engineer ( Mesin Industri ), I study for 7 years at Unas
because football, work I take so long study at Unas

Batch 2000
I was starting so excited study at Unas
I play football with my senior team in Kuningan, on that time one my senior in Mechanical engineer ask me to Join Liga, Football organization at my Campus

I was join Liga, on that time I never ever join the Diklat selection member for join the Liga Community

Great Time at Unas, I have feel happy, sad, scare, Love in that time
Happy because I have lovely friend there, to give share they experience for develop my thing for my future
sad because few friend gone, sad because cant get good girl hehe
scare because on time have girl she is not broke up yet, her x boy friend crazy come to me hahha
and I have let her go away from my life

Love , can feel in love with girl but in the end scare to show my feeling is

when I study in Unas, I was work as well
busy time, Morning work 6am-5pm 6-10pm study at class
crazy I was work at OUT of BOUND Golf life style magazine
every Thursday and sunday I play football at Isci
that ISCI teach me everything about football, English langue, and western life style, and coaching

I have join ASA Asian soccer academy work with Lee Hawkins
he ask me to work with him coaching everysunday and Friday work at ISB Bogor in beginning
after grow his Football academy hi put me in Sekayu Muba
people change after success forget everthing in past to help , so better I quit
I do my own business with football academy I work with lee 2000-2004, 2005 I build my Football academy my own

I drop proposal help from one my friend work at Tiara Bangsa Cibubur , his Name Isac
after wait few week , get call from Tiara Bangsa, I meet with Bu Capri
and meet with great Boz Mr Matt wheeler
they accept my proposal and then I work as after school program
to register each student must pay 200.000idr , on that time I get pay after 2 month, so get pay like around about 60 student time 200.000 12 mill every 2 month not bad business I was build

after few month they offering me to work as PE Teacher
so I accept that job
work as Full time Teacher
work just 4 time teaching in few month
just get paid only 500.000 a month because only little number of teaching I am

move to new school building, so I get new time table, I do teaching lot lot time every hour they pay me 80.000 so 1 year work calculate per hour time many time teaching I can get 12.000.000 per month
on that time is big money I can get
but remember on this time I still study and want have fun time all the time 
so easy waste money

Meet one girl more old then me
1st Time meet girl who make me happy, sad, her Name A....

I meet her 1st time at M House
on that time I meet again in kuningan bring her to Nuchina she like dancing, she is so nice woman
she is old then me, but I have great time with her
have great relationship for 7 month
bad ending she leave me because people know already about our realtionship
so I back as lonely men
don't trust relationship with girl specially foreigner girl 2006

Time keep running
2008 July , I meet with Girl, she is make me come to life again her Name Sandy Cathleen Buhler
meet in Meeting Room, I give my Number to her
she is Contact me ask for address one CafĂ© in kemang, after that keep going we still in touch until one time we have plan want go to Bandung , she lose her card, I helping her lot, on that time, I was take care of her, because I have feeling in love with her , we stop in Bekasi Toll road to return back to Jakarta, we stop in Citoz , I make surprise for her  buy her ring, and I propose her on that restaurant
I do beause I love her so much

Thanks God she is accept me, so we have lovely relationship, she is so lovely, care to another, care to animal etc .  we get Married  in Moslem way front of God on 21 Sept 2008, she convert to moslem
we build our little family with love together until we married as official June 2009, I love my lovely family with Sandy forever and ever .... continue

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