Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

SMP Muhamadiyah 22

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 19.17 | No comments
i get into to new school SMP
i am going to Junior High School
lots story from this school time

1st Falling in Love with girl
like playing Basketball
hate Football
and many thing

Grade 7

In Grade 7 i was still active ehm naughty lah, always disturb my friend in the class
i do join Paskibra in grade 7 we do Paskibra for 10 km crazy tired
i lose my best friend Andre he is fat boy, when after walking 10km, he was lose mind like crazy man after that he go to ICU pertamina hospital

he is sick very sick he was always bulling me

so after that i feel lose someone at Home area, because we are always playing together
at Home area i have so many friend : ibung, abang, diaz, andre, utit, bayu, tias, endri, kamal, tesar, rizal, ronald, kak deni , sooo many i cant tell here

Fun time on this time
Naughty Time
we make Tree House
we eat during ramadhan
we playing football

oh ya i do always do organize to make little Tournament Badminton and Football
i was do organize by my self to make Tournament happen looking for sponsor, etc

i was do Badminton school Surya, and Soccer school with Pelita Jay, Karate until Coklat  belt almost Black belt i win Commite Fighting competition in Jakarta
Badminton always runner up
Soccer always on the bench hahahah

but during junior high school i am good in Basketball as well
i am good in Math, Fisika i am smart on that subject
my teacher not teach me net capture i do finish the work already, so when my friend busy with work , i keep busy disturb my friend

i do like disturbing girls, but so many girls like me hehhe
btw i have to go right now, i will continue my story, perhaps my son Torres Buhler Priyambada will find me one day ciao

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