Sabtu, 08 Juni 2019

Reach the dream

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 05.40 | 1 comment
hello guys long time i am not wrote the history of my life, Time so fast , some pic gone because some reason may b someone report my blogger

btw today is 8 of June 2019
i just get fired from PERSEBAYA SURABAYA

only few month with Persebaya i think i do hard work  , but what i know behind me, few people dont like me because i am close with Coach Janur, btw i can come to Persebaya because Coach Janur who helping me, he looking for Fitness Coach . i do apply this job, because what we learn football fitness , football is coonditioning

so only few month  i can get this
runner up piala president

i think this is good enough for team who just promotion last season , i do prepare from January , i help coach Janur , but in the season league , only just 3 match ,away lose 1 ,draw 2 in home, big disaster, few people blame me, some said fitness low, some many players injured, some believe with Magic, magis on the bench, some said communication.

that is bullshit , what i know is , i just do my job, help my head coach, if we on the plane their is pilot and co pilot, i just be flight attendant , even my license high i do not disturb or do another people job .

the funny thing , i heard pisikolog, evaluate coach job to all players, that is fucking bullshit, even head coach doesnt know nite before match, funny thing again half time during half time i never go inside changing room heard the briefing, someone said to me, can u do cooperate let co pilot work, hello i just do my job, let he cooperate and more active discuss to pilot. i just flight attanedt, who serve the passenger to ready 

but its ok , thanks God, i believe with God plan always
i dont want urgue blaime other thing, i just said thank God i have work in this great Big Club in Indonesia, so proud to be here, Great President good vision

btw i have done my pro diploma Course

thanks to ALLAH 

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