Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Naughty Time

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 22.56 | No comments
when  i was 9 grade i start to join Soccer School, at Pelita Jaya Lebak Bulus
in there so many good players, and good coach, like Coach Maman, Coach Eli Idris and many more
i am not good enough when i do soccer school, because basic in soccer i learn by natural
i join from C group and i going to Group A that mean i am getting better and playing better

i make my own team on that time , i was invite my friend to joint Tournament in Kapoong area, like Amat,Budi, Komar, samsul etc
we do great we going to semifinal 1 time

oh ya i do join Soccer school from my own money
i do save my money evaryday Rp500 until 2 years i get 500.000 i buy my own shoe, and want register , i save money on  Biscuit Box rubbish

i do school at STM Triguna Jaya ( Dayax )
STM School Crazy Time
Narkoba ( Cimeng )
Absen school

Naughty Time is begin
feel i always right silly Time

Grade 10 :
always absen from school
Play Billiard
cheat fasting during  ramadhan

Grade 11:
start to Love football
playing football Antar Kampung
Narkoba ( Cimeng ) Fucking waste Money not good
 love to fight Tawuran : early morning every saturday i go to radio dalam i want fight with another school , i just be person take picture when other people fight

Grade 12
Love Girl
playing football always
no more Narkoba and smoking because i understand that is not good
i want die when i playing football
i  have 2 girls i want to propose all both them from SMA Girls her name Desi and Merry hehehe crazy feeling i feel on that time
 I do test UMPTN pick Dessy in the morning to Halim

Finish school Year 2000 and continue to Universitas Nasional 

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