Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

2008 - 2011 Happy Time ending with Dispointed

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 18.30 | No comments
2008 Marriage with lovely feeling with the one I love
2009 official Marriage with Sandy
This time I was get support from her, she is believe I will become great Football Coach
this is my dream I want make my son and Sandy Proud of me on that Time
I take my C License in Kinabalu , Malaysia
I past the course with Great Result
I past to join selected Coach se Asia for Project future asia coach
thanks to AFC and wife where always support me  to me this happen
I have my Coaching Licens C AFC, but still don't have good response from PSSI
even I do past Coaching Selected se Asia
I have to proved
I get scholarship study from 2009-2012
Refreshment course until B AFC and finish in Germany
this is the foto where I have done so long journey becoming now

this is long journey
Continue .....

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