Senin, 22 Juni 2015

11 June 2011 the Trial of Life begin

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 08.02 | No comments
11 June 2011
we decide move to Australia
with all dream, plan together forever in new place

last night moment in Jakarta Dinner at Senayan City with Torres and Sandy invite by Hikaru mom.

inside my room in Pamulang last moment before depart to Airport
with Love and trust from my parent we go together to airport
this is last moment with Torres and Sandy for my Dad and my mom to have grandchild

how do u feel, trust with plan together we go to new place , excited

finally we go to australia
11 June 2011
fly to singapore 1st and direct to Melbourne

arrive in Melbourne

Selina , Bourdy and Mom Monica Pick me up
excited 1st arrive in Melbourne
welcome in melbourne

day by day go so fast
i dont have Job yet, sandy as well

as a men, i cant stay at home just do home stuff without main job, this is crazy . so i am stress on that time
i keep looking for job as a coach
this is 1st team i work in Australia only few time training, because cant help for life, salary so low
my daily just stay at home and walk with Torres on that time
how do u feel , our money nearly finish , but we dont get job yet, stay in parent in law ,
so stress full
i get emotion
this is the Battle begin
around July
Ryan, her neighbor next house , always invite us for dinner or he want visiting us
as i know was, that sandy mom want match her with him
how do feel ?
as i husband, dont get job, no money ,he always come so fucking Jealousy and feel pressure  in my life. i am nothing now. because he have great job fly attendant
 beginning of July , i have Job on PIZZA delivery on Diamondcreek Pizza near coles supermarket the Indian owner
damn hard work job, i have to wash the stuff, i have to delivery pizza in no where , because i never life in Melbourne was
drive car from 5 -11 pm work
one day Sandy tell me, that Ryan want come for Dinner again, oh damn shit , i dont like this
i have to work night shift, sorry i ask her to cancel, she is cancel the dinner, what i know i saw sandy was shopping so excited because Ryan want come  choose the ice cream etc
oh ok she is cancel , i feel oh thanks God , she listen to me
i feel something wrong happen
i am on my work
oh i keep work send 1 pizza little bit far , and then i go back home , u know what , what i saw
she is still do have dinner and Ryan still come
of man, this feeling mix up, jealous, and i have feel sandy break the decision i am so angry very angry , i go back to Pizza and return back home , i ask Ryan to leave , i have big Fight on that time, i am crying and try to call my mother in Indonesia, i should listen to my my mom , dont move to australia.
Sandy Change , she is change , i am change because i am stress, depres so badly
after that night she say sorry, ok i accept
is back again after 1 week Ryan invite us again for dinner
damn crazy shit
he is cook at his home
but he bring all the food to Monica house , have Gordon there, and her daughter
so we eat together, with my face so BIG Grumphy angry, but Sandy doesn't understand
i go back to my bed sleep wit Torres, with sandy
after i lay down 3 minute Sandy left back to dinning room, i am not stupid i listen what they talking about, i understand English.
they talking about me , damn she ask for break . i feel empty, depress, i stay at Erich Buhler house at Templestowe(i have jealousy because i love my wife Sandy  )
and i decide , i want back to Indonesia Ramadhan with my Parent
17 July 2011 i going back  to Indonesia
i have stress full time miss my family Torres and sandy .
i am back to Indonesia alone , lonely life empty
 when i go all good
sandy monica, selina, bourdy and Torres drop me to airport
she is still accpet my call from singapore
after 1 day
oh no

she went to Australia Immigration , lock Torres cant go overseas
how do u feel daily lonely in Jakarta with out my Son Torres and break relationship recieve email
that Torres cant go overseas ( because her thought i want make indonesia pasport and take Torres to Indonesia
oh no silly mind, i get more emotion, we fight from sms chat  email , the silly me i put on facebook all
this is the fucking bad, that i am so stupid
all get worse

i dont know what i have to do , i lose my mind lose excitment for life anymore, lose my family specially Torres, daily  time always together
now just lonely
Thanks God i still trust Allah Plan, i am so luck have people to help me because Allah listen and help my pray , Hikaru mom helping me ibu Shila give me 20 juta to return back to australia
because in Indonesia no hope, my life so empty

1 Oct 2011, i return back to Australia 

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