Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

TR Priyambada Football Coach

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 18.54 | No comments
When Little

I was Born in Jakarta 5 Dec 1982
my Dad : Edi Sukotjo his From Yogyakarta
my Mom  : Endang Sudarti From Majalengka

I was born premature, just only 7 month my mom was maternity delivery me  come to this beautiful world

she said i was small like Coca-Cola Bottle small 1 liter  when i was born

when i little i live with my Grandma and Grand pa, because on that time my mom was almost die, because the silly stupid Black magic want attack my Grand pa Mbah Nuni.

my Grand ma look after me very well, the funny thing she was breastfeeding me, until my mom recover from sick

I have lovely Family, having Dad and Mom
My Dad is very Good Man , he teach me lot thing in sports, because he was Judo athlete
we was always do swimming every weekend together as famil, play badminton, play Wrestling together when i was little  5 years old , i have lots Friend little bit Popular because i am very active heheh

I was study Kindergarten in Pamulang i forget what is the school name
but when i little i was naughty and smart , i always sing when my friend invite me to party, and also i always read Pancasila when flag rising on monday, i was school early, 4 years old i was going to school already because i have best friend on that time Andreas is my best friend

Time going Fast
we move to Reni Jaya Blok R5no 2 Pamulang
in this area was empty so quiet, no light , no phone, like in the jungle, every night we always heard Kuntilanak (Ghost) loving believe or not

i was study in SD Negri Pondok Benda from Grade 1 - Grade 2
i was Rank 1-2 in the class but in the school few student so naughty i am always get bully
so my mom put me to another school SD Nurul Hidayah
i am enjoy in this school because we have lots sports activities and my report not so good like from previous school
at this school the teacher very scary easy get mad specially Ms Siti, Ms Retno, ms Elly they are all silly Teachers, we are always get   punish from them, hit my bottom or get hit cubit our breast so weird teacher, but i thanks to them coz they are teach me already

Mr Sugianto is my Teacher
he was teach me all subject, we like do playing Kasti on that time
i run so fast
and i do home around all the time 

oh yah when i little grade 5 or 6 i like do performance Dance and Rapping like Iwa K
i do perform when graduate party

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