Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

On my Track of a dream

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 11.24 | No comments

Second year sign contract with Mitra Kukar
I would like to say Big Thanks to Mr Endri Endrawan Mitrakukar President
He was give support with Money for me to Join A AFC Coaching course.
Believe or not this is like a dream, Allah bring the people come to help me in the right time right moment
Like was
1. Coaching Course AFC C , great result . Allah give me big present , I past the AFC project Future Asia coach , scholarship Until B AFC and A&B Uefa module with DFB Germany
2. Going back to Auttralia save my family back ( Hikaru mom give me money $2000, she come to airport to give me wish , good luck to me
3. In Australia by my self with out people I know, Allah send me good people in Monbulk, Like Karen , petet , Anna , Rachel ,FFV football Victoria , they accept me
4. Get Job in Sampoerna ( Daryl forde ) Allah send him for me To get opportunity work was, only for few month
5. Bu Justi one of stb ACs parent, she have own school , let me work at her school
6, Indra safri call me to U19
7.Pak Endri Mitra Kukar , hire me work at Mitrakukar team
Do you know what , in the same time 1st year with Mitra , we have tour to Spain
Always right time right moment
I get my dream go to Spain and work with Mitra

Work at Mitra Kukar in beginning little bit hard
Coz so many superstar players
They though the R star
Time by time I can handle the situation
Not easy when u work at big team , specially rich team
Time by time I can learn how to face this situation

Second year contract with Mitra Kukar I still work as asisten
After 5 month I going up become head coach
Because the coach from England resign , 3 game or 5 game always lose Hehhe
His thinking still work in England
Indonesia is difrent  lots hard in the second year because
Many new players
And few players thinking I want be close to manègement and Handel everything and get lots money
That stupid perspective they though who r u, and who I am, I just focus do my job work for my lovely family eat not even 1 Sen I get from managemt
So many history in second year, hurt but this is great moment to learn face this situation
Finally in the end I can past all the problem I am success to control situation

But Indonesia football Banned from FIFA
After Mentri Nahrowi menpora involve don't give permission letter for match
Indonesia league can't run
So all league finish is over
Always trust to Allah plan
I get offer work to
1. Myanmar
2. Bahrain Al Najma

After all is over Indonesia football banned
No choice
I take Bahrain job
This is like in my dream was , work overseas
Even in the first time I gambling , for me to step up my experience and my carrier
Bahrain to be  continue .......

Senin, 22 Juni 2015

1st Coaching they Call Profesional Job

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 20.54 | No comments
Bali Devata
1st team they accept me , let me do something
1st time come to Bali i have excited feeling
i want work and developt my coaching skills
when i come their is Pak wayan and pak sony work as coach there
1st impression they look at me, i think they underestimate me , i am young, i am not eks players, cant do coaching

hahah i have this in my mind in indonesia football club always look the background of coach always see , where r u play was, dont care about knowledge never ask where do u learn as a coach was ?
they let me do it the coaching
with this team i belive can win, after 1 month salary not come 2 month not salary , the league is cancel because have the PSSI CONGRES
i come to Bali with my own ticket , that Anan and Santi who pick me up and invite me to come they dont have money to responsibility for my money , because they said , one of the guy who the CEO is bad person, alright i accept that , i going back to Jakarta, use the buss only 350.000 money from my Parent, so i going back with hopeless with my future in Football
i dont care , no more work in football that in my mind
because feel like i am nothing
i get scholarship from AFC, C, B AFC license and i went to Germany DFB license
so federation on that time still not give me a chance to work with them, as kitman is no problem
that is my perspective

so i give up on that time no more football
but still have believe and dream i want become big Coach, and make my son proud on day still pray wish Allah listen my pray

i back to Jakarta, apply job to Kinderfield school , that the owner one of parent from STB ACS student. thanks God
i work there as Sports Director, i still do coaching for kids, and academy
oh ya in sampoerna i meet with one of the girl make me feel comfort her Name Ellfira rosa
because auriga, i have relationship with her, she is so religious , great moslem , i was have criteria to looking for girl, i want religious girl, can remind me fix me from my broken heart

in beginning she is so protective , not smile, look hard to get her
may b Allah bring her for me
because of her, everything in this world look easy

i can find job
as a commentator, work with Indra sjafri, work with Mitrakukar, everything
so i believe that now , behind success men, have woman always support us pray for us, and she accept me with my coondition

continue meet with Indra sjafri

Time to rebuild my life again

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 19.56 | No comments
Back to Indonesia
time to make rebuild my life again

I decide i going back to Jakarta
i have dispointed feeling about Sandy
so i try to rebuild my life again

thanks To Allah always be with me , when i felt , i depress
if i am not trust him, that may b i have kill my self

i apply Job to Sampoerna Foundation to work at Sampoerna Academy, because Daryl Forde invite me to work there, also i want have new life not life in Jakarta, so many lovely moment in Jakarta make me sad, cant get up again, Sandy and Torres always in my mind

Sampoerna accept me, work as SPORT PE Teacher and Coordinator
life in Caringin Kinasih , Bogor

1st step in Sampoerna, this school looks good,  look profesional
because they accept people from around indonesia for free , they give scholarship for Indonesia smart student do selection  from around Indonesia

This is the student
they all already in my heart
they change my vision to appreciate of life

i have new famiy
so many family i have life in dorm
best friend like Auriga, always listening my story of hard time and give me motivation and support to get up again after lose Sandy and Torres in my life

so i work in Sampoerna
i change their routine of sport in PE
i create sports environment in this school and dorm
i bring them to swim competition

i happy with student
here is the activities i create to make them keep active

that was Fun sport House Olympic week
i am so happy work with this kids
so easy work with them 
they smart enough to understand what i want 
the keys word they must be remember about me is my word  is Postura
i believe they still remember

 I Happy work with Student
but i am not happy with Management and staff who not fight for them to help

1st Action i again them

1. school time is finish 5pm , i went To Jis to recreation make not stress out , life in dorm for while, never have my own life , i go to Jis .on the front Gate kinasih  i meet with the lady i was hate, bu Em
she is like snake , yes yes, in the  back no, she is ask me where u go pak, i tell the truth , i want play football, i went to Jis with Herri. so is fine , i thought all is good 5pm already , school time is finish
 so only this activities make me happy

do u know what , the next day , Pa A call me, he give me SP warning letter, what the Fuck , i want do my own life after i did all my work already in this school, cant be work for  24 hours, get pay only low, nah after this happen i get more hate with management most have two face, just want secure the JOB as Individual
ok never mind

2. on this school always have program always change not consistent, what they want do
scheme of work, curriculum, program everything all not sure ( because people who create program they not work in the field , they in Jakarta )
even school holiday teacher must work that is crazy, and always have useless workshop, teacher cant go out to mini market outside school for free, student cant eat that eat this, cant go to market
swim must separeted, be dorm parent only 1 2 time can have free weekend
this is crazy , order equipment take so longgggggg
so i fight for change with my argue

3. i hate Hasan, as dorm parent coordinator ,he is so bad  cant make decision, he is always ask to his wife , everytime have meeting dorm parent i always argue fight for student thing
about studnet can go out when weekend ( not accepted )
student let them free after school , let them free what the want do , we just watch ( can accept , dorm parent must be around the ) hello they already 15-16 years old sometime give the freedom to have they own life is more fun for them

4. i resign from dorm parent , i rent house back yard school
after while , sometime i sleep in Auriga room, finnaly , Hasan ask me cant stay there   what the fuck

finally mid of the night, i take all my stuff, i go back to Jakarta, after that
i send that all complaint about on top number 2, hope they are change be better in future

so only 5-6 month i work on this school , i feel guilty to leave my student
because feel not happy with managemnt

so after all those thing, i heard this school get better , thay all change everything
sounds Good, they listen my complaining, i happy for that
now teacher have holiday, student can free go out to buy stuff in market
 good for them
Good luck for all student, get all your dream just trust to God plan 

Continue ..... i accept challenge work in Bali with Bali devata


last try to get my family back

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 09.43 | No comments

back to Australia
with new hope get job from Monbulk
first arrive
i dont have someone i know
midle of the night
2 ;ovely woman pick me up 
both so lovely , i really say thank you so much i relally appriciate for their help to pick me up

at this house i arrive to tray last tray againg
i dont know them
but they so lovely welcoming me so nice i dont know how to pay back

on my birthday we have dinner
i dont know them, all nice people, i dont have idea, who am i , i can be here, because of God to help me send this lovely people for me

sunday i move to Karen and Chris family house at the Patch
lovely family
huge land of House
so i stay at their house
but i have to clean the flat down stair
so i can stay there after that

so i dont mind to clean and i can stay there for free
big clean
until can be like this

so i can stay here for while and do some coaching in monbulk

my Transport Bike
work at Soccer club is not big money i cant survive for give something for my son Torres, every week
meet wit Torres
and keep try to safe get back my lovely sandy and torres again , we together again as Family

i do coaching in Monbulk

time get fast
week by week i past month
but Sandy so hard
i am so lucky to know Bu Timmy
she is my friend life in Melbourne
she one of my best friend ever to help me in AUstralia when the felt time come
she is always there listen my story to give her shoulder for i cry
she is have great family good husbandm he is Gleen  and beautiful daughter Lily

new year eve i am at her house
sandy have party on her house in diamondcreek
so i feel already  give up
because every time when i visiting Torres that RYAN always there
even in Christmas
he is always there
i feel sick
so i decide , i going back home to Jakarta
i really want say thank you so much for Monbulk people, Karen Chris Job, Tessa, Peter wilson family, Dave, Helma,  and rachel, Anna, so i decide back to Jakrta

I am so sorry Torres m not because i am not love you i leaving
daddy tired with this feeling, with this sacrifice try o get our family back
daddy will wait for you in Indonesia
ddaddy will show you and ur mom how great daddy
i have to set my future , if one day he know me, he will proud , i am is his father
Goodbye Torres
Daddy Love u always and miss you so much 
Back To Indonesia with hope from PSSI invite me to coaching U12
but useless call
work at Sampoerna 

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