Senin, 22 Juni 2015

1st Coaching they Call Profesional Job

Posted by Rudy Eka Priyambada On 20.54 | No comments
Bali Devata
1st team they accept me , let me do something
1st time come to Bali i have excited feeling
i want work and developt my coaching skills
when i come their is Pak wayan and pak sony work as coach there
1st impression they look at me, i think they underestimate me , i am young, i am not eks players, cant do coaching

hahah i have this in my mind in indonesia football club always look the background of coach always see , where r u play was, dont care about knowledge never ask where do u learn as a coach was ?
they let me do it the coaching
with this team i belive can win, after 1 month salary not come 2 month not salary , the league is cancel because have the PSSI CONGRES
i come to Bali with my own ticket , that Anan and Santi who pick me up and invite me to come they dont have money to responsibility for my money , because they said , one of the guy who the CEO is bad person, alright i accept that , i going back to Jakarta, use the buss only 350.000 money from my Parent, so i going back with hopeless with my future in Football
i dont care , no more work in football that in my mind
because feel like i am nothing
i get scholarship from AFC, C, B AFC license and i went to Germany DFB license
so federation on that time still not give me a chance to work with them, as kitman is no problem
that is my perspective

so i give up on that time no more football
but still have believe and dream i want become big Coach, and make my son proud on day still pray wish Allah listen my pray

i back to Jakarta, apply job to Kinderfield school , that the owner one of parent from STB ACS student. thanks God
i work there as Sports Director, i still do coaching for kids, and academy
oh ya in sampoerna i meet with one of the girl make me feel comfort her Name Ellfira rosa
because auriga, i have relationship with her, she is so religious , great moslem , i was have criteria to looking for girl, i want religious girl, can remind me fix me from my broken heart

in beginning she is so protective , not smile, look hard to get her
may b Allah bring her for me
because of her, everything in this world look easy

i can find job
as a commentator, work with Indra sjafri, work with Mitrakukar, everything
so i believe that now , behind success men, have woman always support us pray for us, and she accept me with my coondition

continue meet with Indra sjafri

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