Senin, 22 Juni 2015

Because help from Allah
i can come again to Australia
i have money left 17 Juta
i have to survive and try to safe my family back
before i had Coaching course B AFC license in Kuala lumpur
this is my plan
Plan A :if  i can safe my family so i can ask for return ticket back to Australia  and life again together

Plan B : i cant Safe , i do my B AFC and i give up i come back home to Jakarta

Plan C : I try again and try again to safe with no limit until when i give up

so just try to behave and trust to Allah
i go to Australia

1st Arrive in the morning
1st step : i have to find place to stay
2. i want see, hug kissTorres after 2 month not seeing him
3. Find JOb
4. Try to safe back my family

this my 1st destination backpacker hostel
rent 1 week for 525 Dollar
so if i use my money left 1200 dollar

oh no how to survaive
i just eat bread and tap water only before i get Job
1st arrive and direct go to Diamond creek
i dont turn on my phone yet
i dont know what happen when i come
i try to inform me friend Glenda that i return back
i think she is not cooperative to me
helping me and to safe my family back
she is call sandy that i am coming
i walk far from train station to sandy house
just want see Torres not there
so i return back to hostel with big dispointed cant see kiss hug my son Torres
i come back to hostel, before that i go to workshop that i ask for job was before i left in July

next day i visit Torres, do u know what ?
when i am in Sandy house, sandy call police
that she thought i want attck her
that is crazy mind so silly what is for i attack her
police come only 2 minute i can hug kiss my son, so pain full
very painful 1st time see my son after 2 month separated police separeted us
so i going back to hostel crying big crying ask to Allah to help me

i wont give up
i get job coaching and work in the workshop
so thanks To Allah i have Job to survive
Sandy ask to me to stay with her father
so alhamdulilah i still can survive  because Allah listen my pray
also i try to apply job to Indonesia embassy i beg already but decision from Jakarta
 i try to introduce that i am Project future asia coach to Victorian Football federation
Mr Sean Douglas
look my body how skinny and look tired i am
Technical director Victorian Football Mr Sean Douglas

day by day nearly come to November
i get offer full time job in that work shop and time to go to Kualalumpur come soon
for B AFC Coaching course

hard decision to choose

if i do work at the work shop i get pay 25 dollar per hours work full time monday - friday 8 hours work

if i choose Coaching Course B AFC  this only last free scholarship i can get and i can proved also make my father proud this is his dream i can become like Mourinho

i have to thinking very hard which one best for me and my family
i keep trying to safe my family
but sandy still hard

with Bismilah name of Allah i go to Kualumpur Malaysia do my B AFC Coaching course
with this Plan

Plan A : i return back to australia keep try to get my family back even no money in my pocket

Plan B : Going back To Jakarta , because Malaysia to Jakarta just close , so easy for me to get back

last moment before i go to Malaysia, before i decide i keep trying or not to get my family
Malaysia Here i come

 Like VVIP guest pick up so highclass
 look how depress face i am
after stay in hostel now stay at 5 star hotel
do Coaching course with not concentration
because i thinking of my family
how come so fast change she is , sad for my lovely son Torres , i miss him love him lots
during this course me and sandy keep text msg, fighting because i have emotion and she is also change

i stilll love her and miss her so much
time finish of Coaching course coming dec 2011
big decision i have to choose
back to Jakarta or Melbourne

i apply job on Australia
for full time coaching
because Allah i get Job in Monbulk Rangers FC

i have little money in my pocket 700 dollar ,i still have ticket back to Australia, and ticket to Jakarta i buy in the morning already 
so big dilema

i ask advice to Ka Syafiah she is nice
she is always listen my history and give me advice
i dont know what i have to do
back to Australia no chance anymore to get Sandy and Torres back
back to Jakarta no hope for life , only empty life in Jakarta

so i choose last chance , hope this is last chance
i can get family back
go to Australia back with belive to Allah i can do it
continue ....

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